Tune-ups are performed between April 1st - August 31st, Monday - Friday, either 8 AM - 12 PM or 12 PM - 4 PM. Because tune-ups increase the efficiency of your heating system, you may save as much as 30% on your annual fuel bills. Lower your annual fuel costs and ensure the safety of your system by scheduling a free* tune-up and an efficiency test now. Some top manufacturers will void your warranty if you fail to perform the regular maintenance on your system. Heating system tune-ups often reveal safety problems such as frayed wires, worn parts, blocked chimney / flue, and much more. State Utilities takes pride in performing a thorough tune-up, where some companies will skimp and perform only a basic inspection.
Complete the form below to request a time when State Utilities can send over an in-house trained and certified HVAC technicians to perform your tune-up.
* Available to full service contract holders only.